🤖 Releasing Swift binaries with GitHub actions and how Senior Devs fix problems 👴🏻

August 9, 2024

New Course: From Side Project to Going Indie

Are you ready to make your side project a success? Want to quit the 9-to-5 routine and endless meeting days to go independent? This is the course for you.

Welcome to the 10th issue of the iOS Coffee Break Newsletter 📬.

This week, I was thrilled to hear about RevenueCat's hackathon, Ship-a-ton. The challenge is to launch an app on the App Store or Google Play Store, using the RevenueCat SDK for in-app purchase monetization. I am considering this as the perfect chance to finally bring an old app idea of mine to life and release it within 30 days. Let's see if that short timeline works out!

On a different note, Swift Leeds just revealed an exciting lineup of speakers. Which one are you most looking forward to hearing?

Now it's time to dive into some iOS development topics. Here are this week's highlighted resources. Hope you enjoy 🙌.

🤖 Releasing Swift Binaries with GitHub Actions

Curious about how to automate the release process for Swift executables using GitHub Actions and GitHub Releases?

In recent weeks, Natan, the curator of Swift Toolkit.dev explored various methods for building Swift binaries across different operating systems and architectures. This week, he takes it a step further, showing how to leverage GitHub Actions to automate the building of executables for both macOS and Linux, and then publish them directly to a GitHub Release in your repository.

🖼️ App design: 5 benefits of using system components

Creating custom elements and bypassing the often mundane system components in app design might initially seem appealing.

However, these system elements come with several advantages that are easy to overlook, potentially causing you to miss out on built-in functionalities. In Antoine's latest article, he outlines five key benefits of utilizing system components: built-in accessibility, user familiarity, accelerated design process, consistent design that leads to a better user experience, and optimized affordance — all provided at no extra cost.

When your app designer sends you a highly intricate UI that seems like it will take ages to implement, I highly recommend sharing this article with him — I am sure he will love it 🤣!

👴🏻 How Senior Developers Fix Problems

As a developer, you have probably faced problems where you thought, "I wish I had a Senior developer to consult..." or wondered, "How would a Senior developer tackle this?" I know I have, many times.

Vera, an iOS developer from 🇵🇹, wrote an insightful article on this very topic, outlining a personal framework she uses to solve problems, whether they are software-related or not. I wish I had come across this article six years ago when I first started iOS development. Back then, I often felt discouraged when I got stuck and questioned whether I was cut out for software development.

Now, with more experience under my belt, I understand that struggling with challenges is part of the process. While my experience might help me overcome some obstacles, I also know it is perfectly okay to seek help after exhausting my options.