🚀 Deploy server side Swift apps on Vercel and master Xcode File Headers and Macros 📔

August 2, 2024

New Course: From Side Project to Going Indie

Are you ready to make your side project a success? Want to quit the 9-to-5 routine and endless meeting days to go independent? This is the course for you.

Welcome to the 9th issue of the iOS Coffee Break Newsletter 📬. I want to extend my gratitude to all subscribers for their recent submissions and constructive feedback. The newsletter has been growing and provides a platform for developers to share their work and ideas. However, assembling it all requires significant time and effort.

I am setting aside space in the newsletter for developers and brands to showcase their products or ideas, with more details coming next week.

I am excited to kick off this new format by highlighting Antoine's latest course. It was a pleasure to chat with him, and I couldn't be happier to share his newest adventure!

Enough about my week, let's dive into some iOS development topics, shall we? Here are this week's highlighted resources. Hope you enjoy 🙌.

🚀 Deploy server side Swift applications on Vercel

Vercel offers a comprehensive solution for front-end developers to deploy their applications using modern best practices. It integrates seamlessly with GitHub to deploy every commit and provides features like a fast CDN, preview deployments, API routes, local testing environments, and more.

I have chosen Vercel to host all my JavaScript-based websites because of these robust capabilities. Thanks to Andrew, we can now also deploy serverless Swift applications, including websites and APIs, using Vercel. In his article, Andrew demonstrates his work on a Swift runtime and a SPM plugin that simplifies deploying Swift applications on the Vercel platform. Great job by Andrew and other contributors!

📔 Xcode File Headers and Macros

Ever wanted to customize the default comments at the top of every file created in Xcode?

In this video tutorial, Stewart demonstrates how to create your own version of the Xcode File Header. These comments are crafted from a mix of text and text macros, defined in a property list file called IDETemplateMacros. This file must be placed in one of five specific locations to be recognized. For those who need to share this file across multiple Macs, Stewart also offers a solution using iCloud Drive and symbolic links.

➡️ Navigation Patterns in SwiftUI

Navigating in SwiftUI applications has always been a bit challenging. Initially, SwiftUI introduced NavigationView, which was simple to use for basic list navigation. However, implementing programmatic navigation was quite tricky. I recall my early days with SwiftUI and how straightforward it was to set up basic list navigation, but programmatic navigation was another story.

With iOS 16, NavigationView was replaced by NavigationStack, which improved navigation by enabling dynamic and programmatic routing. In his article, Mohammad Azam delves into common navigation patterns that are useful when building SwiftUI applications, providing insights into how these new navigation tools can be effectively utilized.