Sponsors Archive

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  • Tuist: We are an integrated and open core toolchain that extends Apple's official tools with insights, optimizations, and workflows to help you build better apps faster.
  • SwiftUI Animations Mastery: The most complete visual reference picture book on SwiftUI Animations. Delays, springs, transitions, matched geometry effect ... and a lot more.
  • SwiftyLaunch: Generate iOS app boilerplate code with everything you need: complete auth flow, paywalls with one-click, easy push notifications and so much more.
  • SwiftUI Views Mastery: The most complete visual reference picture book on SwiftUI Views. Layout, Stacks, Grids, Controls, Navigation, Image Modifiers ... and a lot more.
  • From Side Project to Going Indie: Are you ready to make your side project a success? Want to quit the 9-to-5 routine and endless meeting days to go independent? This is the course for you.